Wednesday, October 1, 2025 12:00 AM - Thursday, October 2, 2025 12:00 AM (CDT)
Focusing on practical, real-life applications of insurance and risk management principles to develop skills in quantifying complex exposures, Ruble Graduate Seminars are exclusive to dues-paid designees only.”

Insurors of TN Members $465
Non Members $495
In Person registrations that cancel 30 days or less before the event will be charged $35 to cover the cost of printed materials.
2500 21st Ave South Suite 200
Nashville, TN 37212 United States
The building is located at the corner of 21st Ave and Sweetbriar Ave. Parking is in the rear and side of the building with entry on the right side of Sweetbriar Ave. Please do not park in reserved spaces.
For hotel reservations we use the Hampton Inn and Suites in Green Hills, Nashville, TN 37215. For reservations call 615-777-0001 and be sure to let them know you are with the Insurors of TN.